Blog - Keto Stories - Bradley’s Story

Bradley’s Story

Our story began in April 2013 on our walk back to our car after Bradley’s t-ball game. Bradley collapsed on the sidewalk. My first thought was that he was dehydrated. I immediately gave him a bottle of water, and we had him drink a few sips before he got back. We got him back up and began to walk again. A few steps later he collapsed again. We rushed him to the car to get him in the AC and give him more water. He quickly returned to normal, and seemed completely fine. I made a pediatrician appointment first thing the following day. His pediatrician was concerned it was low blood sugar, seizures, or cardiac issues. After seeing a cardiologist and a neurologist, we still had no for sure answers. Nobody knew exactly what could be wrong because of the lack of evidence, but his EKG and initial EEG were completely normal. So, the thought that it was cardiac or seizure related were doubtful. My worst fear became a reality May 11, 2013. Bradley fell out on the kitchen floor and had a 2 minute tonic- clonic seizure. As scared as I was rushing him to the ER, I was thankful to finally have somewhat of an answer. That is when our journey began. We saw several neurologist, and tried every med possible. Nothing would help my sweet angel. He was just 4 years old, and we felt so very helpless. He would have 20-30 seizures on a good day, and 60-80 on a bad day. His EEG would show that he was having seizures just about non-stop. I could never describe the feeling of watching my child going from a witty, intelligent, playful young boy to a lifeless (for lack of a better word) helpless little boy. I cried and prayed endlessly for something… ANYTHING. After seeing two neurologist, we wanted a third opinion. August 2013 we had our first appointment with Dr. Lee. He worked with Bradley to change his medicine regimen to see if he could get the perfect combination that would work for Bradley. Within a few weeks, he was already doing a little better. He was still having a lot of seizures, but not the usual 40-50 a day. After realizing the medicine alone would not subside the seizures, Dr. Lee referred us to a nutritionist. That next week I spoke with Ellen several days on the phone to kick start this diet plan that I had no idea about. We started Bradley on a LGI diet. After a week of that, we went to the modified atkins diet. Those diets were helping, but again not completely taking the seizures away. So, Ellen asked me if we were ready to try the Ketogenic diet. I was so hesitant at first, but I knew this was God answering my prayers. All I needed to do was give it my best try and pray that it helped. October 7, 2013 we checked into the hospital to begin the ketogenic diet. That is where we met Dr. Ingram who would also be following alongside Dr. Lee. We stayed at the hospital for 3 days. On the day we were discharged I could already see a dramatic change in Bradley. He was lively, smiling, laughing, and playing. October 29, 2013 was the first day that Bradley went a full day seizure free. He has since been seizure free since that day (almost a year later). From a mother that had to watch her precious son seize too many times to count, I am truly grateful for the Ketogenic diet and the Charlie Foundation. Before making the decision to start this diet, I read many of the previous “stories”. I knew it was his only chance of living a “normal” life again, and I am so glad/thankful to this diet. Thank you to Dr. Lee, Dr.Ingram, Ellen, and all of the keto parents before me for giving me my little man “back”.

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