Blog - Keto Stories - Skylar’s story

Skylar's story

Twelve years ago my daughter Skylar was diagnosed with Lennox-gastaut syndrome. The ketogenic diet was not a treatment option offered to me but I found it on my own. Skylar was on the diet for five years. Althouth the diet is very tough, its a WALK IN THE PARK compared...

Blake's story

Blake was diagnosed with myoclonic absence epilepsy at age 2.  Throughout the years Blake has been hospitalized several times with countless EEGs, MRIs and even a lumbar puncture when he was six years old.  He had genetic testing that revealed a gain on chromosome 3 (trisomy 5) with no successful...

Joseph's Story (teen)

Joseph went on the Modified Atkins Diet 7 years ago. He had absence seizures that were not typical and they started when he was 11. He ended up having terrible reactions to EVERY medication he tried. The worst, and most terrifying, was when he began having anaphylactic shock type symptoms -...

Nolan's Story

Nolan started having seizures when he was 2 1/2 years old. They came on like a rage of fire!! He was having them everyday if not multiple in one morning. His mainly were in the morning hours before waking. He did have one or so while awake. Nolan tried 7...

Bradley's Story

Our story began in April 2013 on our walk back to our car after Bradley's t-ball game. Bradley collapsed on the sidewalk. My first thought was that he was dehydrated. I immediately gave him a bottle of water, and we had him drink a few sips before he got back....

Eli's Story

It was two weeks after Eli"s third birthday, I remember it like it was yesterday, I sat him down on his seat at the kitchen table and I turned to go check on the baby. At that moment, Eli started growling like a bear and crawled up on the table....

Two Cured - One Diet

*Photo at left is of Charlie Abrahams and Tim Indermittee - 2 seizure free kids, circa 1996. When Charlie started the Ketogenic Diet and his seizures went away so dramatically at the end of 1993, I asked Dr. Freeman from Johns Hopkins three questions. 1) Why did we have to...

Noah's Story

Noah Holt is a vibrant happy 10 year old kid.  He loves life and enjoys making his family and friends laugh. Noah thrives in school and spends time outside of school in Karate lessons, taking an active part in his Cub Scout Webelos Den, playing the piano and playing Four-Square...

What is a Ketogenic Diet? Keto Diet Facts, Research, and Variations

What is the Ketogenic Diet? The ketogenic diet has been in existence for 90 years The ketogenic diet was designed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic. Despite being highly effective in treating epilepsy, it fell out of fashion due to the surge in new anti-seizure medications...

Anella's Story

Life is truly better with BUTTER. We are a success story, so if you have a baby or toddler start NOW on the ketogenic diet because you have nothing to loose and it is easier than trying it as an option later. Why does age make a difference? They can't talk...

Luke's Story

My name is Dawn Iversen and I have a child with Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy aka: Doose. Our nightmare began on April 19, 2009 when our little guy, Luke was just 2 years old, almost 3 in July. Luke started with one Tonic Clonic, aka: a Grand Mal, that lasted about...

Geoffrey's Story

On April 9, 2011, our world changed forever. Our son Geoffrey was 16 months old. On the previous day, my mom had called me at school and said that Geoffrey had fallen and hit his head 2 different times and she didn't know why. We thought maybe he just slipped...but...